I recently received an email request from a publisher that wanted to know if I would be interested in reviewing a couple of new books that they have recently released. After reading a little bit about the books I quickly agreed knowing that my daughter would really be VERY interested in the books. She agreed to read and review each of them. She read two books from The Fairy Chronicles collection by J.H. Sweet.
Before I share her reviews (posted below) let me tell you that my daughter is an incredible reader. She has started and finished very large novels in just a matter of days. She also knows quite clearly what she likes and doesn't like and all of her friends are fans of the same types of books that she enjoys.
When we received the books in the mail my daughter was reading the first one before I finished pulling the second one out of the package. She took the first book to school to read during breaks. When she came home she asked if she would be allowed to keep the books for awhile or if we had to return them. I told her that they were ours to keep and she asked if she could share them with her friends. I agreed. I know that two or three of her classmates also read and enjoyed the books. My daughter also put in a request to her school librarian to have these books purchased for the school. She enjoyed them that much.
My daughter's reviews for the two books are below. I plan to purchase the rest of the series for her.

Marigold and the feather of hope
I liked how the author put details in the story. About Marigold and her new friends Dragonfly, Thrisle and Firefly. It always shows you where you are in the book it kind of tells you that the fairies are not as mischievous a sthe brownies. I like how it ended with lots of detail and made you want to read the next book of the series of books. I can't wait to read the next books that there are.

Dragonfly and the web of dreams
I enjoyed this one because all the same characters are back and in the beginning her mom said she didn't put one of the boots in the garden but what she didn't know was that it was really a dwarf that was pretending to be a boot in her garden. He didn't notice that her mom took out all the boot's. Also the author added a lot of details to this story like she did to the first book.
Before I share her reviews (posted below) let me tell you that my daughter is an incredible reader. She has started and finished very large novels in just a matter of days. She also knows quite clearly what she likes and doesn't like and all of her friends are fans of the same types of books that she enjoys.
When we received the books in the mail my daughter was reading the first one before I finished pulling the second one out of the package. She took the first book to school to read during breaks. When she came home she asked if she would be allowed to keep the books for awhile or if we had to return them. I told her that they were ours to keep and she asked if she could share them with her friends. I agreed. I know that two or three of her classmates also read and enjoyed the books. My daughter also put in a request to her school librarian to have these books purchased for the school. She enjoyed them that much.
My daughter's reviews for the two books are below. I plan to purchase the rest of the series for her.

Marigold and the feather of hope
I liked how the author put details in the story. About Marigold and her new friends Dragonfly, Thrisle and Firefly. It always shows you where you are in the book it kind of tells you that the fairies are not as mischievous a sthe brownies. I like how it ended with lots of detail and made you want to read the next book of the series of books. I can't wait to read the next books that there are.

Dragonfly and the web of dreams
I enjoyed this one because all the same characters are back and in the beginning her mom said she didn't put one of the boots in the garden but what she didn't know was that it was really a dwarf that was pretending to be a boot in her garden. He didn't notice that her mom took out all the boot's. Also the author added a lot of details to this story like she did to the first book.