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Showing posts from December, 2018

Stillness Speaks, by Eckhart Tolle

What a great book.  I need to read this again and again.  Here's an excerpt that I really liked. "Complaining & reactivity are favorite mind patterns through which the ego strengthens itself.  For many people, a large part of their mental-emotional activity consists of complaining and reacting against this or that.  By doing this, you make others or a situation 'wrong' and yourself 'right'.  Through being 'right', you feel superior, and through feeling superior, you strengthen your sense of self.  In reality, of course, you are only strengthening the illusion of ego."

Emotional Intelligence

Quotes from the book "Raising your emotional intelligence" by Jeanne Segal. If you haven't read this book, I recommend that you do. "We are told to value the head and devalue the heart; instinctively, we value the  heart and feel wrong for doing so.  We are not wrong." "EQ's domain is personal and interpersonal relationships; it is responsible for your self-esteem, self awareness, social sensitivity, and social adaptability." "Growing emotionally is a lifelong process, a beautiful part of our human potential.  You can always learn to become aware of your feelings, to accept them, and to use the information they offer to the advantage of yourself and others."