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Showing posts from October, 2005

Read and Said

The following is a snapshot of some of my favorite book and movie quotes from one of my journals. Enjoy! From Raising Your Emotional Intelligence, Jeanne Segal: "We are told to value the head and devalue the heart; instinctively, we value the heart and feel wrong for doing so. WE ARE NOT WRONG." From The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Mitch Albom: "...all endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time." "Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else." From Under The Tuscany Sun, starring Diane Lane: "Regrets are a waste of time. They are the past crippling you in the present." From Something's Gotta Give, starring Diane Keaton: "I let someone in and I had the time of my life." From Stillness Speaks, by Eckhart Tolle: "Surrender comes when you no longer ask, 'Why is this happening to me?'" What are some of you...


October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came - The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name. The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band. ~George Cooper, "October's Party"