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Showing posts from January, 2005

STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!

We are ALL guilty of this. Each and every one of us can stand up, raise our hand and say "YUP. I've done that." The question is...for how LONG will we do it? Do what you ask? - TOLERATE - We tolerate different things in our lives at different times in our lives. Some are big, life changing things like tolerating a bad marriage. Others are less significant like tolerating a messy closet. But all of these tolerations - big and small - add up over time. They grow into these unmanageable beasts that we work hard to avoid. We become Masters of Distractions. We read books on how to get organized. We read books on how to deal with our crappy marriage. We spend hours talking to counselors and friends and neighbors looking for the right advice. Here is my advice: Put down the books. Stop the distractions. DO SOMETHING. Most things that we tolerate start out as these tiny little things - no big deal right? But we ignore them because there is so...

First things first

Quote of the Day: Habit 3 - Put First Things First "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." ~Stephen R. Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, founder of Covey Leadership Center.

It's only as bad as you want it to be

I am a big believer in the power of positive thinking. List five things that are great about your day. My list: 1. Traffic was a breeze this morning. 2. The kids were up early - and cheerful about it! 3. I get free windshield wiper fluid refills anytime I need them from the place that changes my oil. Guess who is happy as can be that she doesn't have to figure out how to lift the hood on The Notrious SUV this afternoon!?!?! 4. The temperature is above freezing. CAR WASH!!!!!!!!! 5. Blueberry bread for breakfast.

Romance Philosophy

What does it take to make a romantic relationship work long term? If people are always changing how do two people change in the same direction so that the relationship can survive? What do you think is the number one reason why relationships fail? Why do some people get bored in their relationships? What can be done about it? Is the idea that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus real? Are gender differences really to blame for our inability to relate to one another? Discuss...

Battle vs Avoidance

I am a big believer in choosing battles wisely. Mostly because I really hate confrontation but also because some things are simply not worth my time, energy or frustration. I also believe that avoiding issues that are important to us can be a big, big mistake. It is sometimes a fine line though, between choosing your battles wisely and avoiding them all together. How do you decide what issues to confront and what ones are best left alone?

Happiness Versus Contentment

So Ms. Howe asked me to write about my opinions on happiness and contentment. "Sure, I'd be HAPPY to do it." I replied. DAMN... there was that word happy again. And so, I went on a mission to understand my own opinions on the subject. Below is my random thoughts.... Happiness is a temporary state. Something that is outside my control and is triggered by an event or an item or a place. Contentment is something within my control based off myself. An example, you want an example, fine.... here it goes. I was HAPPY watching Garrett and his friend riding around in the Birthday Hummer. It was fun and exciting to watch the boy's face light up in excitement. The planning and the entire event was fun. I was quite happy doing it. I was content to just be able to spend Garrett's birthday with him. I was HAPPY painting ceramics with Kenzie today. I was content knowing that we were together spending time. To be content, to me, is being at peace with WHATEVER is happenin...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy

Describe happiness. What makes you happy? How do you know when you are happy? How do you make yourself happy? How much do you rely on others for happiness? The dictionary definition of happiness says that happiness is characterized by good luck. Do you think happiness is directly connected to how lucky you are?