I truly believe that sometimes, we are the best company we can be in.
I love the company of others. There is nothing more exciting, more invigorating than dialogue and interaction between people. Exchanging ideas, information, thoughts and feelings can be a powerful and exciting exchange.
But if life is about balance, shouldn't we try to spend time in our own company?
I have so many great friends and a close and wonderful family. We share many laughs and create incredible memories on a regular basis.
But I also create my own memories.
When I sink deep into my pile of throw pillows and sit in the absolute quiet of the night I am able to climb into the depths of my own mind...my own soul. I make myself laugh, take a walk down memory lane and create new ideas for a new present and reconsider where I want to journey to in the future.
My journals are filled with page after page of thoughts and ideas. Life philosophies, spiritual beliefs, reminders of how things on...
Inspiration for the masses