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Showing posts from October, 2003

Simple Math

How many successful whiners do you know? _____ What is the average amount of time you want to spend listening to someone else's pity party? _____ If one person is blaming everyone else for everything and another is justifying all of their actions with excuses, how many minutes does it take you to become completely disinterested? _____
Steps for getting out of a rut: 1. Release : Let go of what it is that is holding you down or back. Set the feelings or thoughts to pen and paper, rip the paper to shreds and burn them. Find a significant and tangible method of releasing your emotions. 2. Refocus : With the release complete begin to refocus your goals for yourself. What do you really want and why do you want it? Assign values to your values. What is important to you. Make a list. 3. Reclaim : Claim that list. Own it. Make it yours because it is yours. Acknowledge that you deserve it because you do. You built it in your heart, you wrote it on your paper it is your reality. Take it now. 4. Re-energize : If you've been in a rut you haven't taken care of yourself physically. Go for a walk immediately regardless of the weather. Fresh air is good for your head. Eat some fruit, drink lots of water. Find your spirit - the piece of you in the center of your soul, the fire in your bel...
Never. Never let someone guilt you for a decision that they tho they had done you a favor by deciding as they did. Never say yes if your gut is screaming no. And vice versa. Never give someone the power to make you miserable. Not even yourself. Never settle. Dust settles. Be bigger than dust. Never stop dreaming but remember the dream doesn't get you what you want....the doing does. Never go a day without telling yourself something wonderful about yourself. Kind words and compliments rarely go unappreciated...regardless of who utters them.
Sunday Morning Mantras: Eliminate drama and chaos from your life. Look for opportunities to be genuinely happy. Being loved and respected should not be a battle that you have to fight and win. Avoid people that do not genuinely and naturally love and respect you. Avoid opportunities to change other people. Look for the good in everything and everyone but if you have to look too hard or too often for that goodness...move along.